Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

nov27_english 11_jack

1. Please explain why you chose the method of presentation that you did?
We thought that a power point would be enjoyable. Also, it was the only way we could share with the class of what a tragic hero is.

2.What were your influences for this presentation?
The gangster rap influenced be for this cool presentation. Yeep!

3. Was this presentation any different then past presentations? Please explain.
There was another group that did the power point. Theirs was more nicer looking but any power points are good and easy to understand for the class.

4. Was this presentation any more challenging or was it easier than past presentations? Please explain.
Personally i think that the topic was easy. There were challenging parts but my group member helped out.

5. Do you find yourself writing more on your private blog or on the class blog? Please explain.
I write more on my own blog because i thought we had to, but now im posting on the class blog. TEEHEE

Today's presentations

What connected for you during the presentations?

For me, after watching all of the presentations, they all matched up and connected really nicely. It flowed. I liked how everybody presented their scenes differently, because then we got to see a lot of different good ideas and how they interpreted their acts.

What are you going to remember about the play from viewing the presentations?
After watching the presentations, I think I'm going to remember Act 1 the best. I think this because they put a lot of humor into it, so it was very memorable. I'm also going to remember Act 3, because it was the scene that my group did, and that we researched and acted out.


from seeing five of the seven macbeth presentations (including mine) i rembered some of the funny scenes of the movies. Alex was quite funny, although slightly inappropriate it made me laugh.
I also gained an understanding of macbeth through a more comedic style of learning. It was interesting. I grew a better understanding of the acts.



What connected for me during the presentations?

When the groups talked about how power corrupted the character's in the play, it was very easy for me to connect because I have focused a lot on this question during thia unit. It was easy for me to understand and connect to. I also feel that the Simpson's presentation was very easy to connect to because it is memorable and I have a background of watching the show on tv.

What will I remember abot the play from viewing the presentations?

I will remember the Simpson's presentation, I think that it will be easier to remeber act 4 because of the way that they presented the act. During this act Macbeth went back to the witches to see them for a second time. He was shown floating heads that continued to haunt him and lead him to go "insane."


Tragic Hero??????

Reflections Nov 27

On your personal blog, or in your journal, please answer the following questions. Please support your questions with specific examples.

1. Please explain why you chose the method of presentation that you did?
2.What were your influences for this presentation?
3. Was this presentation any different then past presentations? Please explain.
4. Was this presentation any more challenging or was it easier than past presentations? Please explain.
5. Do you find yourself writing more on your private blog or on the class blog? Please explain.


Do you see Macbeth as a tragic hero or not? Please bring in specific evidence from the text, you can also connect it to parts of your presentation to help support your argument. Make sure you explain what a tragic hero is. How do our EQ’s connect to this as well?

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm going to remember the Simpson's version of Act 4 and Act 3 with the pictures and narrative because they were both different forms that I rarely see. The image of Banquo's dead body and expression stay in my mind, as well as the attack of the Crazy Cat Ladies. However, the most memorable act was Act 5 simply because I saw every scene being pieced together and coming up with our own interpretations of them. I now know the main points of Act 5 very well, as well as a little into the insight of Macduff's hatred of Macbeth.

Sean Montgomery

-presentations =)

The presentations today varied from the old fashion acts to the technology of a video. But either way, I belive that they were all done very well. But as a student in a modern environment I belive I connected to the videos more rather than the acts. This is also because of the humor and also because they changed the characters to match our everday settings like instead of a king they changed it to a principal. From watching my peers present, I'm mostly going to remember the essential question: how does power corrupt? and how different intentions could indeed corrupt ones integrity and humanity. This play presented this question very well and made me understand Macbeth even better in a different way.


I thought the presentations were done very well. I thought the ones I learned the most from and could connect to were the ones with humor in them. I liked that some of the groups changed the setting and characters to make it connect more to us. By watching the other groups presentations I was able to further understand my own Act and could connect it to the rest of the play. For example, because many groups had the same essential questions as my group I could learn more about the and connect it back to my Act.

Presentations! =)

During the presentations, I think that I connected with the videos more than the old fashioned acting. I connected the rest of the acts to our act 3, and really understood how the 2nd and 4th act connected to ours. I will remember the most significant parts of the play such as King Dincan's murder, and Banquo's murder sue to my peers presentations. They really stood out to me while watching them. I am also going to remember how power corrupted Macbeth, and how the witches destroyed him...well I think that they destroyed him anyways. =)


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thinking about the presentations in class

Please answer on the class blog or on paper for Fri:
What connected for you during the presentations? What are you going to remember about theplay from viewing your peers presentations today?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

For our act, I have picked the two essential questions:

1) How does Power corrupt?
~ well in Act 3, it just shows how the more power Macbeth wanted and fastly got, the more it corrupted him to want more and more. he tried anything in his power to keep it, and he would have never had done the things he did before he talked to the witches.

2) How far are you willing to go to get what you want?
~ In this act is shows how Macbeth is willing to kill for the second time to get full power! He is trying to hard to keep his power, and not get told on by Banquo. I can't believe he actually killed him, and he even hired two people to do it! This king is willing to practically
anything to get what he wants, and I think that's wrong!

Learning Log..

How does power corrupt?
Power corrupted Macbeth into killing Duncan. He was so driven by the desired power that he was willing to go to extreme lengths to get it. What drove him to become power hungry was his wife. She put ideas in his head that changed him. A day before, Macbeth would not speak of the idea of killing the king and now he was considering it. By killing Duncan, gaining the title of king, and not getting caught, Macbeth was given an enormous boost. He now felt invincible and let power finally get to him and corrupt him.

How far is one willing to go to get what they desire most?
Macbeth was willing to kill to become the king. Not only, Lady Macbeth provoked Macbeth to kill Duncan because she was possessed by the mere thought of getting power.
How does power corrupt?
In the beginning of the play, Macbeth hears a prophecy that states that he is going to be the king, but Banquo is in the way of that prophecy. What Macbeth does is he orders 2 murderers to kill Banquo which is what happens in our Act, Act 3. In Act 3, after the murderers kill Banquo, Macbeth becomes king. And during the feast, Macbeth hallucinates and sees Banquo when he was already dead. From all the power that Macbeth gained and how he got there also connects to the other essential question: How far is one willing to “go” to get what they desire most? Because Macbeth went so far to get what he wanted, all that power that he gained is corrupting the way he thinks by hallucination and so he was very close at that moment to ruining his power therefore power does indeed corrupt.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My EQs - J

What is humanity?

Macbeth shows that he is human by believing the witches' prophecy. It is in our human nature to believe the supernatural to some degree, most people still read their horoscopes, some people even go to see psychics. Even though we don't believe as strongly as it is shown in Macbeth it is still a form of humanity, it is who we are and what we believe.

How do we deal with conflicting elements within our personalities?

Macbeth deals with conflict by turning to his wife, when he didn't know what was the right thing to do, kill Duncan or not, he turned to his wife. His wife told him to kill Duncan so that is what he did. People usually turn to others when they have inner conflicts, it is our human nature. When people turn to others it gives them another point of view, in ways "the deciding vote", or the "tip of the scale."


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Connecting our acts. Act 3

How do you see your act connecting to at least two EQ with examples from the passage.

• What can destroy or build a persons self worth?
A lot of things can determine whether a persons self worth is very high, or very low. For example, in the play Macbeth, his self worth was high at the beginning, and then it dropped drastically. It was high in the beginning, because he was very confident in himself to kill the king(which happened in act 1) it dropped a lot in my act (act 3) when he saw the ghost ofBanquo at his dinner. He felt very guilty about his actions, thus causing him to make a huge scene in front of all of his guests. So lying and cheating can destroy a persons self worth, and accomplishing what you sought out to do, can build your self worth.

• How does one define a persons self worth?
A persons self worth, is defined by the person him/herself. Nobody else can tell you how to feel about yourself. Unless you have a very low self esteem, and you believe and listen to all the negative people tell you about yourself. In Macbeth, Banquo showed how high his self worth is, when he came back as a ghost to haunt Macbeth. If he didn't have a high self esteem as a human, he wouldn't have a very high one as a ghost. InMacbeth's case, he made his self worth very low, by all the wrong decisions and actions he has made, he has become to doubt and guilt himself. Not a very high self esteem I must say.


Monday, November 9, 2009


I chose this image because it reminds me of loyalty. This image helped me understand the BIG idea because it reminds me of kings and queens. They are very controlling but the people who stand below them, are very loyal to them. I think that loyalty is a very important part of life. If you want to earn someones respect and trust you have to prove it to them by being loyal.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Macbeth rap

Here are the clips I showed in class the other day. If anyone has found some good ones, please add them in a new post.

Parody of Macbeth grey's Anatomy
Star Wars clip of Macbeth
the lego one

Self Asessment #1 Blog

Let’s celebrate that you know how to blog!!!!!!!

Do you realize what you can do now?

Does your blog have a title?

Have you included some visual (picture or you tube clip) on your blog and does it connect to one of the big ideas, short stories or Macbeth. Did you explain why you selected it. If you put it on the class blog, this counts as well.

Have you written a postcard to me telling me about what you are learning?

Have you written a response to me on what you think is easier to understand, the written play or the movie and why?

Have you commented on someone’s blog?

Has someone commented on your blog?

Have you cut and pasted a passage from Macbeth and told me what it meant to you in your own words?

Have you also provided a link to a simplified version of Macbeth?

Are you not amazed at what you can do with the blog?

What mark would you give yourself out of 20 for all of this. On your personal blog or on a piece of paper please tell me what you would give yourself and why.

By the way I am impressed as some of you are doing including some fancy picture work, scrolling text are you not amazed at what you can do!!! I have not mastered these skills yet. Way to go!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Macbeth Group Assignment


Macbeth Group Scene Analysis

Select a group that you will work well with. This is a summative assignment (the marks count).

Before you present your act to the class, you need to give a plot summary and a description of the setting. Be sure to explain how your ACT is connected to the previous ACT.

Clearly identify all the characters and ensure that they are distinguishable throughout the presentation.

Reword your ACT and present it to the class, in a combo of modern English and Old English.(eg. All hail Macbeth).You want to make sure you maintain the integrity of the ACT. You are going to have to divide you act up into key scenes and find the key moments. You will all have to take on key individual parts. Together you will then showcase the ACT to the class. Some parts do need to be acted out.(If you do not want to do a live version, you can prerecord one). Ensure that you add life to your scene(s) and make them come alive. They do not need to be memorized, but I do not want any plays being used or full scripts. You may use cue cards and still receive full credit.

After you have presented you have to analyze your ACT. You need to explain the significance of your ACT in the play. What are the key issues, what are the characters talking about and why is that essential to the development of the plot. You also need to explain how it connects to one or more essential questions and why. You will keep a daily posting on your blog of your learnings. See handout for guidance.
*****grid does not format****
Ta Da
Way to go
Organization& Presentation
Preparation& Organization
Flow of presentation
Students are very prepared and organized
Voices are clear and easy to follow
You present info in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow with ease
Some prep and organization is evident
Voices are usually cleat
Presentation can generally be followed
Little organization evident
Voices are difficult to hear
Presentation is difficult to follow, little flow, parts missing….
Plot summary
Summary helps audience understand the scene
The scene is placed in the context of the play and clearly connected to the scenes before it.
Characters are very easy to tell apart- maybe humour or creativity is used.
Summary provides some helpful info info for audience
Some connection is made to other scenes
An attempt has been made to help the audience tell the characters apart

Summary provides little helpful or relevant info for the audience
Scene is not connected to previous scenes
Characters are difficult to tell apart

Acting of the Scene
Scene is well rehearsed, cues are not missed, cue cards are used
Students are in costume, props are well organized and are very professional, remain in character and take their role seriously.
Interpretation and changes made to the scene are effective and maintain the integrity of the scene
Some evidence of rehearsal, may be some missed cues, may rely on script
Attempt is made to be professional-although there may be some giggling
Changes made may help audience follow the scene, although some significant lines may be missed.
Costumes, props are used may be last minute,
Little evidence of rehearsal, few cues used
Students have difficulty remaining in character, may giggle quite a bit.
Changes to scene take away from its significance of help little to make the scene easier to follow.
Connect to essential question
Key ideas are obviously understood
Reflections explore the significant issues with probing insights that get to the heart of the question
Points are richly supported with effective examples or reasons
Some crucial ideas have been understood
Reflections are present may be superficial, or some issues have been explored
Some examples or reasons are provided
Important ideas have been missed
Little evidence that the ides were though about with care
Virtually no examples or reasons are provided