FOr those of you who have msplaced the unit outline-here it is. Remember formatting does not work on the blog.
I have been unable to put any powerpoints on the blog.
Lit Circle End of Unit Task
The learning outcomes in this unit include (but are not limited to):
*interact and collaborate in pairs, small groups and large groups
*listen to comprehend, interpret, and evaluate ideas, information, and understanding of texts
*read, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a wide variety of literary texts with increasing complexity and subtlety of ideas and form
*explain, support, interpret, analyze, and evaluate ideas, information and understanding from texts read and viewed
*after reading and viewing, select, adapt, and apply a range of strategies to extend and confirm meaning, and to consider the author’s craft
*recognize and explain how structures and features of text shape readers’ and viewers’ construction of meaning and appreciation
*create thoughtful representations that communicate ideas, information, and understanding
*write and represent to explain, support interpret, analyze, and evaluate ideas, information, and understandings from personal and text
*use and experiment with elements of form and style in writing and representing appropriate to purpose and audience to enhance meaning and artistry
*write and represent to synthesize and extend thinking and use metacognitive strategies to reflect on and assess writing and representing
*speak and listen to synthesize and extend thinking and use metacognitive strategies to reflect and assess their speaking and listening
As a group you may opt for occasional reading days in class,(although you will have to read at home as well) but you will also need to leave time to discuss the items below. Class time is for discussion and activity sheets. Please ensure you manage your class time wisely. It is not meant for socializing.
Concepts to discuss and work on:
1. Analyze the characters in terms of the decisions they make and the effect of these decisions on themselves and others.
2. Analyze the novel in terms of literary components, techniques, and devices (symbol, allusion, figurative language, characterization techniques, and importance of setting, themes, plot, point of view and conflict.
Assessment & Evaluation
Stickies: As you read, you are to record any important thoughts, ideas, points, connections etc. anything you can use in your discussion group on a sticky note. You then stick the paper in your novel and you can refer to it in your lit circle discussion. They are also helpful when you complete your assignments.
Journal entries: Once a week, you are to write a reflection on any of your readings during the week. You should connect your readings to an EQ and bring in any thing you have discussed in class.
Involvement in your lit circle discussions
There will be peer and self evaluation of your oral contribution to the group.
Final Summative (individual)
To express your understanding of your novel and the essential questions you will create a multimedia presentation. This presentation will show your thinking about what you have been discussing, exploring and thinking in your lit circle groups.
In essence, your final presentation should be a response to some of the essential questions we have been trying to answer in this unit:
How do one’s decisions affect them and those around them?
What is a decision?
Are all decisions the same?
How does the environment affect one’s decision?
How do one’s decisions impact others?
What factors determine one’s choices and decisions?
How does our context impact the choices we have or the choices we make?
Are decisions part of human nature?
How are decisions represented?
What are the consequences of decisions?
How does the context impact the choices we have on the choices we make?
Your presentation should follow one of the following formats, but how you go about it is up to you.
1. Select a question and have your presentation be the response to it.
2. Develop a thesis and have your presentation prove it.
3. Develop a piece of art(story, poetry, video, song, dance, art object) that synthesizes you ideas and explains it-then you would have to explain your piece to the class.
4. Find a belief about choices and decisions and investigate why people think it then present it and your opinion about it to the class.
5. Your suggestion……
What you need to remember….
• Your presentation must have a thesis- that is the goal of your presentation.
• You need to connect to at least one essential question as they are addressing the theme of the unit.
• You must use some form of media, art or technology in your presentation.
• You need to include evidence(examples, situations) from your novel to support and address at least one essential question
• Your presentation must be a min of 10 minutes in length,
Thesis/topic selection and comprehension • Thinking is well developed, original, insightful and logical.
• Demonstrates a deep understanding of topic and is developed with more than one essential question.
• Logical and straight forward thinking.
• Demonstrates a solid understanding of the topic is developed with more than one essential question.
• Basic, simple, thinking.
• Demonstrates basic understanding of the topic. Has included at least one essential questions as a ffoucus
• Very little thinking,
• Confusing,
• Illogical in places
• Essntial question may be missing.
• Does not fully grasp topic
Has included examples and selected quotes as evidence to support the above explanation • Detailed support, shows several effective elements and can extend /support with quotes from text.
• A variety of specific examples given. • Several examples given and explained accurately.
• Gives reasons and examples to explain/
show thinking • Some examples given and explained accurately.
• Gives reasons and examples to explain/
show thinking • Little or no support.
Understands the concept of the essential questions and can show how they are connected to the novel • Has an insightful, original detailed and effective way in explaining and showing the essential questions and their connections to the story.
• Has several examples with varied quotes.
• Thorough and convincing analysis and interpretations provided • Mentions and discusses essential questions and elements in quite a bit of detail.
• Some examples, usually well explained
• Does mention essential question with some evidence from the text.
• Some examples, may or may not be fully explained
• Limited or lacking identification of idea, and/or essential questions
• Few, if any examples to support explanation
Media Component:
The visual representation shows how they have connected all the elements together visually. • Crafted and pulled together in an insightful, detailed and original way. Visual creatively includes all elements in detail
• Accurately reflects theme, element and concepts with, deep, powerful and original insight.
• Has gone beyond; it is original • A solid connection between all elements
• Shows care in work
• Visual includes all elements
• Accurately reflects, essential questions and connections to novel • A connection between most elements
• Shows some care in work
• Visual includes most elements
• Reflects, essential questions and connections to novel • Partial connection of elements
• Visual is very basic
• Little thinking ,
• Very little creativity
Overall (presentation, conventions, organization, general understanding, clarity of expression) • Outstanding, you have gone beyond expectations
• Communicates ideas with a high degree of clarity and effectiveness • Well done, some concerns about conventions, organization
• Communicates ideas with considerable degree of clarity and effectiveness • Well done, some concerns about conventions, organization
• Communicates ideas with considerable degree of clarity and effectiveness • Bare minimum was done
• Components may be missing or incomplete
• Communicates ideas with limited clarity and effectiveness
Monday, May 10, 2010
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