Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dimos and Ceana/Integrity

What is Integrity?
ACT1 SCENE3 ANGUS: Who was the thane lives yet, but under the heavy judgment bears that life which he deserves to lose. Whether he was combined with those of Norway, or did line the rebel with hidden help and vantage or that with both he labored in his country's wrack, I know not; but treason's capital, confessed and proved, have overthrown him.
I chose this passage because it shows how the thane of Cawdor had no integrity and committed treason against the crown which was punishable by death. It shows how even someone in a position of great respect and honour can do terrible things to get what they want, how someone who has everything can still want more. This part is relevant because not only does it show the beginning of the lose of integrity but is also begins the witch's prophecy making it a very big part in the play.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ryan and mitch's thing act 1 scene 2

At a military camp near his palace at Forres, King Duncan of Scotland asks a wounded captain for news about the Scots’ battle with the Irish invaders, who are led by the rebel Macdonald. The captain, who was wounded helping Duncan’s son Malcolm escape capture by the Irish, replies that the Scottish generals Macbeth and Banquo fought with great courage and violence. The captain then describes for Duncan how Macbeth slew the traitorous Macdonald. As the captain is carried off to have his wounds attended to, the thane of Ross, a Scottish nobleman, enters and tells the king that the traitorous thane of Cawdor has been defeated and the army of Norway repelled. Duncan decrees that the thane of Cawdor be put to death and that Macbeth, the hero of the victorious army, be given Cawdor’s title. Ross leaves to deliver the news to Macbeth.

What Is Power?
This message connects to me personally, because the war is a very deadly thing that portrays countries actions. In this scene power is the act of winning a war by either killing the opponents or injuring them. War is a very powerful thing that can not just control a country or its actions but have a domino effect within the country. This wars domino effect was because the thane was defeated he had to die and that MacBeth could have his status. What is power? The ability to influence others either by being forceful or intelligent.

Jack and Ashley's Thing.

Banquo. [Aside of Macbeth]
That, trusted home,
might yet enkindle you unto the crown,
besides the thane of cawdor. But 'tis strange:
And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
the instruments of darkness tell us truths,
win us with honest trifles, to betray's
in deepest consequence.
cousins, a word, i pray you_


Loyalty : Banquo sounds like he has respect for Macbeth.
He is loyal to the man, and he's giving him wise decisions and opinions.

This passage reminds us of a day where our friend gave us advise on something we needed advise on. It's important to us because it shows how important it is to have a friend that can trust to help you through tough times you cannot decide on making important decisions.
Danica and I chose the scene where Lady Macbeth is angry with Macbeth for having second thoughts about Duncan's Murder. We thought Lady Macbeth's manipulation was really masculine. She even mentioned the lengths she'd go to, to get what she wants, which included an image of a baby. She referred to Macbeth as less of a man for having second thoughts and egged him on by lowering his self esteem.

We think Lady Macbeth's self esteem must be quite low, if she's unhappy with what she has to offer as a woman. She'd rather'd be a man, so she can go through with all the terrible things she wants to do so she can become more powerful. One of the underlying reasons people manipulate others is to subconsciouly or consciously gain acceptance of themselves, and in turn, a sense of power.
Does nature or nurture determine a person’s destiny?

Come, thick night,
And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,
That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,
Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark,

The reason why i decided to choose this passage is because it caught my eye when Shakespeare used such powerful metaphors to emphasize the meaning of this passage. What really caught my eye was when he says: Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark. This caught my eye because in the medieval times God or religion was such an important part of those times and to do something that evil and using heaven as a reference is fairly risky. To me this part of the passage means that there are evil people in the world who really do kill to get what they desire most and they don't regret it because its what they want and nothing can stop them now because they killed them. I think that this is important because it shows that some people are mental and think that the only way to get their way is to get rid of the person to get what they want. This part is relevant to the play because it shows how evil and inhumane people could be to get what they desire most.
Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark,

Act 1, Scene 7 (Krista and Jessie)

The passage that we chose was from Act 1, Scene 7:
What beast was't, then,
That made you break this enterprise to me?
When you durst do it, then you were a man;
And, to be more than what you were, you would
Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place
Did then adhere, and yet you would make both:
They have made themselves, and that their fitness now
Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know
How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me:
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,
And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you
Have done to this.

Essential Question:
How does power corrupt?

We selected this passage because it stood out to us and caught our attention. For us this passage really shows peer pressure and this connects to us because we go through it every day without realizing it. We think that this passage is important because this is the start of Macbeth's need for power and corruption by power. It is also important because we see how Lady Macbeth is corrupted by power and then lead to reversed thinking. This shows how Lady Macbeth is evil and manipulative and inhumane because she believes that killing Duncan is alright. This really shows how power and humanity are connected because too much power can make people change perspectives and make them inhumane. This passage connects with the essential question because Lady Macbeth was presented with the thought of power (Macbeth becoming King) and then all she could think about was ways to make that happen.

Act I Selected Passage

Scene 3 when the witches tell Macbeth the prophecies. This passage set off the play as Macbeth has now got it in his mind to take the crown as his own. It foreshadows the rest of the story and makes the reader wonder if the prophecies will actually come true. Macbeth is shown to believe in witches and predictions of the future to be real, as was the norm of the time. Macbeth is also shown to be affected by the persuasion of others, as it was not originally in his mind to murder Duncan to become king. That thought was later planted in his head by the cunning words of Lady Macbeth, who truly wanted power. This meeting with the witches sets off a quest for power, in which the base for the essential question of How far is one willing to go to get what they desire most is set down to be addressed later. In conclusion, this passage sets the play in motion and the base from which ambition and desire for power is put down to be built on as the play goes on.

Sean, Ahmad, Aaron

Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 3 :D

"Does nature or nurture determine a person’s destiny?"

In Act 1, Scene 3, Macbeth discovers that it is his destiny to be king. After the weird sisters first prediction came true, Macbeth thought about the possibilities of he, himself becoming king.

(aside)      Two truths are told,
As happy prologues to the swelling act
Of the imperial theme. (to ROSS and ANGUS) I thank you, gentlemen.
(aside) This supernatural soliciting
Cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill,
Why hath it given me earnest of success,
Commencing in a truth? I am thane of Cawdor.
If good, why do I yield to that suggestion
Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair
And make my seated heart knock at my ribs,
Against the use of nature? Present fears
Are less than horrible imaginings.

We chose this passage because we thought it was the "set up" for the rest of the story. It implies loyalty, power, self worth, humanity, integrity and ambition all in that one passage. Also the character of Macbeth shows some of these traits. He thought about his loyalty to the king, he thinks about the humanity of his thoughts (killing Duncan = inhumane), he's ambitious because he wants his social status to increase and also the passage shows his quick increase of power (Thane of Glamis - Thane of Cawdor - King?).

In relation to the question above, we think that if the weird sisters had not told Macbeth he was to be king, he owuldn't have thought it to be a possibility in the first place. This being said, nature or nurture does, in some way, determine a person's destiny.

~Beth and Hillary

Monday, October 26, 2009

What we are doing in Class today and your homework


Silent write on YOUR BLOG

Find a passage or part of the first act that was meaningful to you from ACT 1 and connects to an essential question of your choosing. Post that part only on your blog. Explain (write) why you selected this passage. Why this part drew you in. What does this part mean to you? Why do you think it is important? Why is it relevant to the play? DO NOT USE THE INTERNET for this part. I want your interpretation here.

Discuss and share with a partner what you have written. Compare your selections and your interpretations. Decide on the passage that you feel has the most impact and can generate discussion.

Now you and your partner are going to post your shared passage to the CLASS BLOG. You will explain why you selected the passage, what it means to your group what it, why you think it is important, what you think it says about the character, the play, the time, any of our big ideas. How it connects to the essential question you are working with. (Please remember to mention which essential question you are using.) If you do use the Internet at this point, please remember to acknowledge your references. You can use anything you find to help further your explanation of the passage, just remember to explain how it helps you.

You and your partner will be sharing this orally with the class as well.

Homework: Due Thursday Oct 29, 09 write a “postcard” on your personal blog about what you are learning. Here are some sentence starters to help you get started: Dear,

I am understanding that….because….
Also I am learning that…. because……

Our Essential Questions

Here they are. You have a hard copy in your binders.

Essential Questions Macbeth Unit D. Caldwell

What does it mean to be human?

What is humanity?

What is integrity?

What is loyalty?

What is ambition?

What is power?

How does power corrupt?

How do we deal with conflicting elements within our personalities?

What could destroy or build a person’s
self worth?

How does one define a persons self worth?

Is ones self worth constant or ever changing?

How far is one willing to “go” to get what they desire most?

Does nature or nurture determine a person’s destiny?

How does technology support, influence, shape who you are?

How does technology change/impact the way we communicate and learn?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I believe that in this photograph, there is loyalty, because the king and queen, respect the civilians in their town. So, the villagers portray their loyalty to the king and queen by bowing to them when they see them.
depending on the situation i would probably go far in terms of effort but not in terms of taking a life unless the situation called for it. right now all i want really bad is money and i would just work hard for it. i would never rob a bank or anything like that.

crazy stuff



By Ashley :)
<===== words about lady macbeh

-stephanie wong



From Victoria

By Brianne and Andrew

Lady MacBeth

by Andrew n Brianne

Lady Macbeth

Lady Mcbeth

By Jessie

The differences you saw between the movie and the reading, scences 1,2,3.

What was easier and what was more challenging and why?

Which one do you think you prefer and why?

The differences I saw between the movie and the reading of Macbeth were the book describes more of what is happening, compared to the movie visually showing you everything with some of the important speech involved with it. In the book, although Macbeth was killing people he didn’t seem scared to die himself. When he killed someone in the movie he seemed more afraid and scared then how they portrayed him in the book. For myself I thought the reading was slightly easier because I could make up the scence in my head and picture how the characters are playing the roles. Although I did think that it was easy to have the scences acted out right infront of you in the movie. You got to see more of the characters and how their emotions came out. For example, how Macbeth killed the king and how in the movie he seemed very nervous. I think I prefer the movie because it is way more interesting and easier to understand their speeches. Also, in the movie they act out more of the book then actually saying it. Reading the book you have to focus more on the words. In the movie you get to listen aswell as focus on the scence and the visual part. You can look at the characters and their faces when they are doing things.(Macbeths face and how he felt when he killed the king.) The movie is all infront of you and you just watch and listen to the dialects. The book you have to understand the words and the way they speak.

Practicing posting

Now that you have written a document in word I want you to cut and paste it into your personal blog.
Select all. Hit copy and then paste it into your blog.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Recap of what you have seen in Macbeth

Hi, If you click on this link you will find a YOU tube link that sums up the first few scenes of Macbeth as well. It is a handy visual review.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Oct 16, 2009

Welcome to Macbeth

Today we saw what Macbeth did in his quest to become King. My question to you is:

How far are you willing to go to get what you desire most?
(Hint-you need to tell the reader what it is you desire most.)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Homework Eng 11 Fri Oct 9

Finish finding and explaining your visuals for Macbeth.
Read the Class blog.
EXIT SLIP: On the individual blog how did this HELP introduce you to Macbeth. What do you think Macbeth might be about now?


this is a link of the witches and they rerpresent power

this image in inhumane because the dagger with blood dripping through the kings crown

-ryan and mitch

ambition in macbeth

this picture has determination shown in macbeth
because he is determined to suceed.
Reason: It demonstrates examples of a lack of humanity in Macbeth.
Reason: The loyalty, or rather disloyalty, displayed by Macbeth to his king is shown very well by this picture.
Reason: Macbeth's desire to grab power and hold it for himself is demonstrated in the following paragraphs.
Reason: Ambition for the crown of king is a bloody and muddy path for Macbeth.
Reason: This document shows how Macbeth acts towards other characters and how his integrity slowly erodes.
Reason: During the play, Macbeth feels that his efforts are useless and that it wasn't worth trying at all. The square tire represents wasted efforts.

Sean and Andrew

This picture shows remorse and regret which can connect to integrity and possibly loyalty.

integrity within macbeth

this person in showing integrity or honesty with another in macbeth

-ryan and mitch



In this video it demonstrates power, because when the people in it were angry they wanted revenge,
which made them have lots of power because there were lots of them, fighting together.

Jack and Ashley.

power within macbeth

power shown winning over eachother in battle

mitch and ryan

Macbeth themes =)

Humanity:http://upload.wikimedia.orwikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2d/Thomas_Keene_in_Macbeth_1884_Wikipedia_crop.png/300px-Thomas_Keene_in_Macbethg/_1884_Wikipedia_crop.png This is a picture that represents humanity becuause this theme allows war, love, power, and human nature.

Self Worth: This picture is an example of self worth because it looks like the man killed someone, and now he is quilty and regrets what he has done when looking at the blood and seeing what he has done.

Ambition: This picture represents ambition because the man is trying so hard to be king. You can see him reaching for it, and he is ambitious.

Power: In this picture it's showing that the crown, which is the king holds all of the power, even if that means to kill.

Loyalty: In this picture, he has betrayed by killing. This means that he has lost his loyalty.

Integrity: This picture shows integrity because is has people killing others, therefore losing the self integrity with doing the right thing.

Thats all =) by Krista & Jessie

Examples from Macbeth relating to our Big Ideas.

Power We chose this video because it shows how king has complete control of his soldiers and they are fighting for him. Battle For Power

Loyalty This Picture shows how these people are ready to fight in battle and risk their lives for their king. Loyal to Fight for Their King

Humanity Horrors of Humanity In this video, it shows how humanity can be very inhumane. Just like the wars and fights in Macbeth. We kill each other and we have enemies. Humanity is not supposed to exist for war, or for taking the lives of others. We are humanity, but we are also destroying it.

Self Worth King has Self Worth This is a picture of the king in Macbeth. Kings must always have confidence and high self esteem in order to make decisions without doubting themselves.

Ambition Death from Ambition This picture symbolizes the lives that were taken from many people. Macbeth's ambition to become king ruled his actions and led to murder. Many people died and were killed because of his ambition.

Integrity Integrity Macbeth lacked integrity because he didn't do the right thing and make the right choices. He was controlled by greed and the desire to be powerful.

Matt Y. and Celeste H.

macbeth themed picture - Victoria

This picture represents the regicide that takes place in Macbeth

loyalty within macbeth

macbeth loyalty in battle to his subjects

mitch and ryan

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday Oct 9-Welcome to Macbeth

While in the lab to day this is what we will be doing:

On your personal blog please write and tell me everything you know about the play Macbeth. I can be what you have seen, heard, read, talked about etc. What questions do you have, what concerns do you have etc.

Continue to write what you know about Shakespeare. What plays (movie adaptations) have you read, seen, studied etc. What is your view on Shakespeare and why? I would like to know where you are coming from. What history do or do you not have with Shakespeare?

Once you have finished blogging on your personal blog, please go to the class blog Thisisdifficulttodecide and you and a partner are going to find sites that connect to and demonstrate our big ideas of loyalty, power, ambition, self worth, integrity and humanity (or lack of it) in Macbeth. You need to find an example for each term, post the link and explain why you chose the link. Explain why you feel it fits.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Let's practice learning what we were taught today...linking

Connection to Big Ideas

Select a visual or a quote or whatever, create a link to it.
 It can be the one you have already used on your personal blog.
(It does not have to be what you presented on). We are now sharing with the class.
Then tell your classmates and me why you selected it. What does it mean to you and how did it help you understand your big idea.Here is my sample on POWER

I selected this one because you think I have the power. I have the ideas but when it comes to computer tech and this media literacy you as a class have the POWER to teach each other, myself included. Together we can share our knowledge(which is a form of power) and have a great learning experience. Thanks to Liz for showing us how to html.