Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Macbeth Group Assignment


Macbeth Group Scene Analysis

Select a group that you will work well with. This is a summative assignment (the marks count).

Before you present your act to the class, you need to give a plot summary and a description of the setting. Be sure to explain how your ACT is connected to the previous ACT.

Clearly identify all the characters and ensure that they are distinguishable throughout the presentation.

Reword your ACT and present it to the class, in a combo of modern English and Old English.(eg. All hail Macbeth).You want to make sure you maintain the integrity of the ACT. You are going to have to divide you act up into key scenes and find the key moments. You will all have to take on key individual parts. Together you will then showcase the ACT to the class. Some parts do need to be acted out.(If you do not want to do a live version, you can prerecord one). Ensure that you add life to your scene(s) and make them come alive. They do not need to be memorized, but I do not want any plays being used or full scripts. You may use cue cards and still receive full credit.

After you have presented you have to analyze your ACT. You need to explain the significance of your ACT in the play. What are the key issues, what are the characters talking about and why is that essential to the development of the plot. You also need to explain how it connects to one or more essential questions and why. You will keep a daily posting on your blog of your learnings. See handout for guidance.
*****grid does not format****
Ta Da
Way to go
Organization& Presentation
Preparation& Organization
Flow of presentation
Students are very prepared and organized
Voices are clear and easy to follow
You present info in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow with ease
Some prep and organization is evident
Voices are usually cleat
Presentation can generally be followed
Little organization evident
Voices are difficult to hear
Presentation is difficult to follow, little flow, parts missing….
Plot summary
Summary helps audience understand the scene
The scene is placed in the context of the play and clearly connected to the scenes before it.
Characters are very easy to tell apart- maybe humour or creativity is used.
Summary provides some helpful info info for audience
Some connection is made to other scenes
An attempt has been made to help the audience tell the characters apart

Summary provides little helpful or relevant info for the audience
Scene is not connected to previous scenes
Characters are difficult to tell apart

Acting of the Scene
Scene is well rehearsed, cues are not missed, cue cards are used
Students are in costume, props are well organized and are very professional, remain in character and take their role seriously.
Interpretation and changes made to the scene are effective and maintain the integrity of the scene
Some evidence of rehearsal, may be some missed cues, may rely on script
Attempt is made to be professional-although there may be some giggling
Changes made may help audience follow the scene, although some significant lines may be missed.
Costumes, props are used may be last minute,
Little evidence of rehearsal, few cues used
Students have difficulty remaining in character, may giggle quite a bit.
Changes to scene take away from its significance of help little to make the scene easier to follow.
Connect to essential question
Key ideas are obviously understood
Reflections explore the significant issues with probing insights that get to the heart of the question
Points are richly supported with effective examples or reasons
Some crucial ideas have been understood
Reflections are present may be superficial, or some issues have been explored
Some examples or reasons are provided
Important ideas have been missed
Little evidence that the ides were though about with care
Virtually no examples or reasons are provided

1 comment:

Ceana's Blog said...

Greys Anatomy Macbeth