Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Essay is in and we are back.......

Here we go again. You will be able to check here for some of the work we have covered in class and to view comments of what occurred in class each day. (The daily log).

I am going to link the 3 video clips I showed in class to start our unit. This way you can see them at home.

Good Bye Earl

The Saddest Song I've Got Annie Lennox   I didn't get a chance to show you this one in class.

Angel Sarah McLachlan

Good Bye Saigon Billy Joel

Here are the questions for you to think about and to help you with your placemat:

What do these terms mean?

What do they feel like?

What do they sound like?

What do they look like?

How are evil, violence, war, darkness demonstrated in society?

How are they influenced, supported, and manifested in society?

Why do they exist?

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